An outdoor shed is a great place to store your garden tools and other supplies. But during the summer, it can get extremely hot inside. It can get so hot that you can’t even stand to go into your shed.

The Bureau of Meteorology reports that some part of Northern Australia experience temperatures as high as 35 degrees during the summer. Some other regions of Northern Australia actually go past 40 degrees.

Apart from the excessive heat keeping you away from the garden shed, it could also be catastrophically damaging. You may have chemicals that need to be stored in cool temperatures. Heat is also damaging to some machinery and vehicles.

With this in mind, it makes sense that you may want to find cooling solutions for the garden shed during summer.

Luckily, there are several ways to keep your shed nice and cool during the summer months.

1. Keep the door open all day

Make sure to keep the door to the shed open throughout the day. If you leave it closed, the interior temperature could reach more than 100 degrees.

Keeping the door open will at least allow some fresh air and wind to get inside. If you are worried about bugs, you might consider hanging a net over the door.

2. Plant a tree beside the shed

A great way to keep your shed out of the sunlight is to plant a tree next to it. A tree will block the sun and give your shed a lot of shade. If you plant a tree next to your shed, this will also make the area look nicer.

3. Install a window

Windows are more than a way to view the pretty outdoor landscape.

To keep your garden shed cooler in the winter, think about installing a window in your shed if it doesn’t already have one.

A window can prevent the interior from getting too stuffy in the summer. Just keep the window open all day so fresh air can get inside. As with a door, you can place a screen over the window to prevent bugs from getting in.

4. Spray some cold water over the shed

A very easy way to cool down a small structure during the summer is to spray cold water over it. Take a hose and spray the entire shed for a minute.
A little cold water will cool down the shed immediately, and as it evaporates, it will remove additional heat energy.

5. Install a roof vent

Another great way to keep your shed cool in the summer is to install a roof vent. A vent in the roof enables heat to escape from the structure, especially if there’s an open door or window below.

A couple extra ideas

* If you follow these helpful tips, you should be able to keep your shed cool this summer. But if the shed still does not remain cool enough to suit you, think about installing an air conditioner. In a small structure like a shed, an air conditioner would not use very much energy.

* Another thing you can do is install a solar-powered fan in the ceiling. That small innovation will cool off a shed pretty quickly.